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The history of the materials borrowed from the library (lending history) is shown in My Library.
The number of the materials you have borrowed is shown in the history section in My Library.
Clicking the history links shows the history of the materials borrowed from the library and the details of the corresponding materials.
In the list of the lending history, the number of history items, the material list and their details are shown.
The number of the materials you have borrowed from the library is shown according to the terms below:
The lending history is shown in the specified term in the list from the newest date in order.
The list contains the following material information, which may differ depending on the status or library settings.
The titles, authors or other information of the materials are shown.
The date when you borrowed the material from the library is shown.
Messages are shown according to the material information in the list.
The following operations are available in the history list page.
The contents in the history list vary according to the specified term. Tapping or clicking one of the terms below opens the history list in the selected term.
The items shown in the lending history list page can be switched.
If the lending history is shown in two or more pages, tap or click the icons [«] (top), [<] (previous page), [>] (next page) or [»] (last) for moving pages.
You may also enter the page number to jump to the corresponding page.